Re: Ruby on Rails vs. J2EE
I think the question these days is what's best for implementing a REST interface for a Javascript client to hit. I prefer Java largely due to #1 & #3 above but also because it seems like there is a...
View ArticleRe: Rails, You Have Turned into Java. Congratulations!
I agree to everything written in this post. I might as well go back to PHP or try nodeJS
View ArticleRe: vs.
Hey Tim, thanks for the great write-up! As you have looked at our product in close detail and seem to have lots of feedback I'd like to ask you if you would be willing to do a short feedback call with...
View ArticleRe: Rails, You Have Turned into Java. Congratulations!
Fully agree. Ruby is a mess. I think the problem is not the language but the people using it. There's a mentality of quick fixes, monkey patching your way around problems rather than fixing things...
View ArticleRe: updated deb package: nexus oss
for thos curious - does not work any more
View ArticleRe: Rails, You Have Turned into Java. Congratulations!
in 2007 and 2008, I did use RoR to create a web site, just for fun. But I never got a job of Rails. I mostly use c#, some use Java.Recently, I'm following some posts about mix AngularJS and RoR. The...
View ArticleRe: Ruby on Rails vs. J2EE
Sorry , not getting it . Is J2EE a web development framework ? Or did you mean to compare ROR to Spring or what ? Seriously what is the equivalent of ROR in the java world?Also , what about -...
View ArticleRe: vs.
Thanks for the post, Tim. It echoes pretty much the exact same experience with me, particularly with the "it's not going anywhere" bit. I couldn't sleep tonight so I made a tea and moved over our main...
View ArticleRe: Ruby on Rails vs. J2EE
that whole productivity thing is an is like asking what is more productive in a zombie apocalypse: a samurai sword or a M-16.It all depends on the situation and the skills of the user.
View ArticleRe: Ruby on Rails vs. J2EE
There is no sceintific tool to measure it so it's a matter of opinion. I can testify that trying to learn Spring wasn't the easiest experience compared to the resources you have for Rails (perhaps you...
View ArticleRe: Ruby on Rails vs. J2EE
I think one is using strongly typed language and the other is using dynamically typed language also makes big difference in comparing these two. After decade of experience in financial system, I value...
View ArticleRe: About
Great post Tim! I've just started an open source thing called MusicRecital that will use AppFuse and I have the source on Github on my dlwhitehurst account. Matt's shown interest in helping me. I want...
View ArticleRe: Selling an Open Source Project (or Why you should reconsider Foundations)
Great post Tim! I've just started an open source thing called MusicRecital that will use AppFuse and I have the source on Github on my dlwhitehurst account. Matt's shown interest in helping me. I want...
View ArticleRe: installing nexus open source from a deb on ubuntu
Any way I could see the scripts that do all this?
View ArticleRe: installing nexus open source from a deb on ubuntu
This post is ancient for Nexus support go talk to Sonatype. Sorry.
View ArticleRe: Ruby on Rails vs. J2EE
Ruby is strongly typed, much stronger than Java. An object in Ruby can not be cast to any other type, ever.Java has static typing, which is the main difference and outside of auto-completion it is a...
View ArticleRe: Ruby on Rails vs. J2EE
If I'm facing a zombie apocalypse I'd much rather have an M-16.
View ArticleRe: how is bitcoin not a massive waste of energy?
Bitcoin is like a magical entity. if enough people believe in it, it becomes real.
View ArticleRe: Rails, You Have Turned into Java. Congratulations!
And now its 2 years later. Has Java gotten easy?I use both Java and Ruby on Rails extensively. I've been comparing the languages and environments and tweeting about them for years and am quite critical...
View ArticleRe: Rails, You Have Turned into Java. Congratulations!
Couldn't agree more. Hello .Net.
View ArticleRe: Is Grunt the new Ant?
Tim, I come from Java (using Maven and J2EE), I have some knowledge of Javascript and Angular and I was looking how to implement some lifecycle management with grunt.If you want you can have something...
View ArticleRe: Is Grunt the new Ant?
Just fyi, you can npm <package> -g , and then npm link <package> so that dependencies can be downloaded to global cache and linked to each projects without needing to install them each time.
View ArticleRe: Creating a Simple Google Guice Application
Hi Buddy! Excelent Tutorial, one of the best that I've found. Please, I'd like to take a look for tutorial like some guidance for larger projects, have you done some about that?Thank a lot!
View ArticleRe: Creating a Simple Google Guice Application
Very good to understand how we can use Guice!I've got one question: Why don't we need to input @Inject annotation in the DummyStudentStore constructor, as it needs to be bound in the SimpleModule class...
View ArticleRe: Is Grunt the new Ant?
Does nmp -g require root credentials? Maven uses ~/.m2 Anyways, the -g option is very useful, as the packages get downloaded only once.
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